

Drosophila clock cells use multiple mechanisms to transmit time-of-day signals in the brain

Schwarz, J. E., King, A. N., Hsu, C. T., Barber AF, & Sehgal, A. (n.d.). Hugin + neurons provide a link between sleep homeostat and circadian clock neurons. PNAS 118(47), 2021


Drosophila clock cells use multiple mechanisms to transmit time-of-day signals in the brain

Barber AF, Yi Fong, S., Kolesnik, A., Fetchko, M., & Sehgal, A. (2021). Drosophila clock cells use multiple mechanisms to transmit time-of-day signals in the brain. PNAS 118(10), 2021.

Monitoring Electrical Activity in Drosophila Circadian Output Neurons

Barber AF, Sehgal A. (2020) Part of the Methods in Molecular Biology book series (MIMB, volume 2130)


A peptidergic circuit links the circadian clock to locomotor activity.

King AN, Barber AF, Smith AE, Dreyer AP, Sitaraman D, Nitabach MN, Cavanaugh DJ, & Sehgal A. (2017). A peptidergic circuit links the circadian clock to locomotor activity. Curr Biol 27: 1915-27

Cold Temperatures Fire up Circadian Neurons

Barber AF, Sehgal A. (2018). Cold temperatures fire up circadian neurons. Cell Metab Preview 27:951-953



Circadian and feeding cues integrate to drive rhythms of physiology in Drosophila insulin-producing cells

Barber AF, Erion R, Holmes TC and Sehgal A. (2016). Circadian and feeding cues integrate to drive rhythms of physiology in Drosophila insulin producing cells. Genes Dev 30: 2596- 2606

Mechanistic Insights into the Modulation of Voltage-Gated Ion Channels by Inhalational Anesthetics

Covarrubias M, Barber AF, Carnevale V, Treptow W, and Eckenhoff, RG. (2015) Mechanistic Insights into the Modulation of Voltage-Gated Ion Channels by Inhalational Anesthetics Biophys J 109: 2003-11


Modulation of a voltage-gated Na+ channel by sevoflurane involves multiple sites and distinct mechanisms

Barber AF, Carnevale V, Klein ML, Eckenhoff RG, and Covarrubias M. (2014) Modulation of a voltage-gated Na+ channel by sevoflurane involves multiple sites and distinct mechanisms. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111: 6726-31


Novel activation of voltage gated K+ channels by sevoflurane

Barber AF, Liang Q, Covarrubias M. (2012) Novel activation of voltage gated K+ channels by sevoflurane. J Biol Chem 287: 40425-32